Test: 171335982850

Siódme Poty Training Studio

Personal Training Studio

35 m2

Warszawa (Poland)

A few words about the project

Seventh Pots is an intimate personal training studio located in Warsaw's Wilanów district, co-founded by trainers, Patrycja and Patryk Uznański.

It was established in 2021. In three years it has helped many of its charges achieve their training goals, thus gaining a group of satisfied clients.  In 2024, the owners decided to open a second studio, with the same formula as the first.

As PROUD, we had the pleasure of comprehensively equipping both locations with our brand's equipment. Below is the story of the second studio in the form of an interview with the client.

  1. What made you decide to open a second training studio in close proximity to the first one?
    Opening a second studio was a natural step in our development. The location of the new studio allows us to better utilize the customer base we have built up over the years. We also had a long waiting list of people waiting to train at our first studio, which made the decision to expand an obvious one. Not being able to expand our existing space forced us to look for a new location where we could continue our mission in a slightly broader scope.

  2. Are the studios different from each other?  

    Both studios are equipped with the same state-of-the-art training equipment and are of similar size, which ensures consistency in the services offered. However, in the new studio we have gone a step further and started working with specialists who combine sports training with physiotherapy and ultrasound diagnostics. This allows us to offer comprehensive support in body motor training, preparation for sports competitions and rehabilitation. Our goal is for each client to be able to achieve their sports goals in a healthy and safe way, under the watchful eye of experts.

  3. What is your goal in running two studios?

    Our enduring goal is to create training spaces that are ideal for both body and spirit. We want everyone to be able to gain strength, regenerate and achieve their goals in a friendly and professional atmosphere. The intimate workouts guarantee an individual approach and the full commitment of our trainers, which translates into better results and customer satisfaction. We want our studios to be a place where everyone feels comfortable and is motivated to achieve further success.

  4. What benefits will the target customer receive when using the studio? What do you additionally offer your clients as part of your services?

    Above all, we offer our clients an intimate atmosphere and professional care from trainers and physiotherapists. We have also taken care of the aesthetics of the interiors so that everyone feels comfortable in the space in which they train. Human relations are important to us, so through sports we try to create an integrated community. We believe that training together is not only a way to achieve better physical fitness, but also to build valuable interpersonal relationships.

  5. What did you find most challenging during the implementation of the project? What were you most concerned about?

    During the implementation of the project, we encountered many challenges and uncertainties that are inherent in any new venture. It is difficult to unequivocally identify the biggest challenge, but certainly the experience gained during the creation of the first studio allowed us to avoid many mistakes and simplify the process of implementing the second one. We were concerned about whether we would be able to maintain the high quality of service and meet the expectations of our clients, but thanks to the commitment of the entire team, this was achieved.

  6. Since this is your second implementation, what mistakes have been avoided based on previous experience?
    The experience of the first implementation allowed us to avoid many mistakes and improve the process of creating the second studio. We already knew what to pay attention to and what decisions to make so that everything went smoothly. As a result, the work on the new project was less stressful, and we were able to focus on improving our offer and providing the best possible conditions for our clients.

  7. How did the PROUD team help make the idea a reality? What drew your special attention during our cooperation?

    The trust we built during our first implementation was crucial. The professional management of the project from your mentor, who knew our needs very well, allowed us to feel confident and secure. Thanks to your commitment and support, we were able to focus on what is most important - creating a place that will serve our clients for years to come.

  8. What encouraged you to choose PROUD's offerings?

    Our first studio is equipped with PROUD equipment, on which we practice every day. We are very satisfied with it, so we had no need to check other offers. We knew that PROUD would provide us with top quality equipment that would meet our expectations and allow our clients to train in the best possible conditions.

  9. What conclusions/recommendations do you have after closing the second project for people who are thinking of opening a similar place?

    In the future, we would like to open more studios with a similar concept and hope to continue working with PROUD. For those who are thinking of opening a similar place, we recommend finding trusted partners to help with the idea. Working with professionals who understand our needs and expectations is crucial to the success of the entire project.

    Patrycja Uznańska, Siódme Poty
    Patryk Uznański, Siódme Poty


We invite you to a free consultation

Anyone thinking of opening their own training zone is welcome to join us in the process:

  • visits to our SHOWROOM in Warsaw at Grzybowska 87 Street
After recognizing the topic, we will present possible concepts with visualization of the area. We will also help in obtaining financing. 

We invite you to cooperation and active lifestyle 👍

"We had high requirements for the sports equipment we wanted to use in our implementation. We scouted the market and consciously chose the PROUD company's equipment, functionality and ergonomics combined with aesthetic appearance perfectly matched our needs. The PROUD company is made up of people with a passion for sports, which further strengthened our cooperation. In addition to sports equipment, we got a lot of support and substantive assistance 😊We are planning further projects. "

Patrycja i Patryk Uznańscy




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