Test: 159914716496

Office Gym

Office Gym


Kraków (Poland)

A few words about the project

A strong and cohesive team is the foundation of a thriving company. This one takes care of its employees in various ways. It offers free cinema tickets or medical care. Benefits make the employee feel appreciated, but they do not build a bond with the team, with the people they work with every day and confront them in different situations.

Team-building trips with team-building games are sometimes an opportunity to get to know colleagues better. However, not everyone is always able to take part. Their frequency is also a disadvantage, usually one or two times a year.

An increasingly popular trend among companies to take care of employees on a daily basis is to arrange office space based on a thorough understanding of their needs. Office gyms are such an example.


There are many benefits of having a gym in the office:
  • enables new team members to get to know each other better, making work more enjoyable and more effective
  • provides an opportunity to meet in a less formal environment and get to know each other from a different perspective
  • improves relationships between staff and teams, which has an impact on the atmosphere in the office
  • is a way of relieving tension or conflicts within a team
  • helps to bridge the gap between staff at various levels
  • allows you to see your colleagues in a different light and under different conditions

Final result

Our client, who comes from the medical industry, designed an office gym in their new premises. It was created where the swimming pool had previously been. Rearranging and adapting the room required scraping off all of the building around the pool, so that the bottom of the pool formed the floor of the gym. It was a lot of work, but the final result is impressive. The spacious and high room is lit by natural light, enables several people to train at the same time, and its rectangular shape makes it possible to divide the space into training zones while keeping it tidy.

The equipment and machines that finally stood in the gym were consulted with the employees to ensure the best possible training conditions. In an area of 87m2, employees have at their disposal:


  • cardio machines - electric treadmill, PROUD LEAD series orbitrek, rowing ergometer, PROUD AIR series exercise bike
  • PROUD Champion series machines - 10in1 training atlas, adjustable bench, PRO Olympic flat bench with weight storage, prayer bar, PRO half rack
  • set of chrome dumbbells 1-10 kg with stand
  • set of dumbbells 2.5-25 kg with stand
  • Olympic weights with stand
  • Olympic weights with rack
  • gymnastic ladder with pull-up bar and dips rail
  • TRX type suspension straps
  • accessories - power and mini bands, skipping rope with wall bracket
The floor was lined with 20mm thick rubber puzzles.
The project included the preparation of visuals, transport and comprehensive installation of the equipment at the client's premises.

Thank you for the joint project and we wish you every success.

Contact and cooperation

Anyone who is thinking of opening their own training area, is in the process of doing so, is welcome:

- to contact us by e-mail kontakt@proud-group.com 

- a visit to our SHOWROOM in Warsaw, 87 Grzybowska Street.

Once we have identified the topic, we will present possible concepts together with a visualisation of the space. We will also assist you in obtaining financing. 

We invite you to cooperation and an active lifestyle.


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