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office gym computex

Computex – office gym

Office gym



A Few Words About the Client

Our new client is COMPUTEX, a company specializing in professional management of sales projects involving IT products.

In concern for the health and well-being of its employees, COMPUTEX has created a 30-square-meter training area in its new headquarters. The proximity and availability of the gym aim to encourage people to spend time actively and make their daily training routine more accessible.

It is worth mentioning that most of the company's employees engage in sports daily, and there is no gym nearby to drop by before or after work. Therefore, some employees were eagerly awaiting the completion of the installation to start their first office workout.

The company has a family-friendly atmosphere, which was noticeable during our stay.

The gym will become a place that supports the company's culture of well-being and personal development.


By providing employees with conditions for physical activity, the owner and CEO of the company primarily aimed to:

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Ensure employees enjoy coming to work, which translates into engagement and efficiency.
  • Create a place where the team can relax and integrate after hours.

While designing the gym with us, he talked about each piece of equipment, considering individual employees or rejecting our suggestions because he knew someone might struggle with a particular machine. He prioritized functionality and good alignment with the previously identified needs of the employees.

In addition to preparing and equipping the gym, the company provided employees with the opportunity to train under the guidance of a professional personal trainer, who also participated in selecting the equipment for the sessions and consultations he would conduct on-site.

Combining these two elements gives those training the ability to plan and achieve their goals long-term, making it easier to stay committed.

Final Outcome with Client's Opinion

"The biggest challenge was selecting the right equipment that would meet the diverse needs and expectations of our employees.

Your company helped us throughout the entire process – from designing the space, selecting the appropriate equipment, to professional installation. Thanks to your experience and commitment, the entire project was completed efficiently and in line with our expectations.

We most appreciated the professionalism and flexibility in addressing our needs. Each stage of the cooperation was transparent, and your team was always helpful and provided advice, which greatly facilitated the completion of this project."


How was the project executed?

During the meetings and discussions with the client, we selected equipment according to the needs of the trainees and the allocated budget. Then, based on the room plans, we prepared a visualization of the space. After the client approved the project, having the list of products and the confirmed readiness date of the space for the gym, we agreed on the installation date. The equipment was delivered to the site using dedicated transportation.

List of Equipment

On the 30-square-meter area, we placed:

Cardio Training Machines from the AIR and PROUD Lead series:

  • AIR Rowing Ergometer
  • TFT Electric Treadmill
  • AIR Skierg with a mounting bracket for a gym ladder

Strength Training Machines from the PROUD Champion series:

  • Adjustable Dual Pulley with a set of handles
  • PRO Half Rack Cage

Equipment for Free Weight and Bodyweight Training:

  • Gym ladder with dip bars
  • Flat bench
  • Set of polyurethane dumbbells 2.5-25 kg with a rack
  • PRO kettlebell set 4-28 kg with a rack
  • 15kg and 20kg Olympic bars with TPR clamps and barbell sleeve
  • Training Color bumper plates 5-25 kg
  • Fractional Olympic weights 0.5-2.5 kg
  • Training mats with a dedicated hanger
  • Mini bands, power bands, jump ropes with a hanger
  • Gym balls with a hanger
  • Wall Ball and Half Ball
  • Wall-mounted training clock

The project included preparing visualizations, selecting equipment, transportation, and comprehensive on-site installation.

Thank you for the joint project and wish you successful training!

Detailed photos of the products along with descriptions and technical data can be found in our TrainingShowroom store.

Contact Us

For anyone thinking about opening their own training area or in the process of doing so, we invite you to:

After understanding the topic, we will present possible concepts along with space visualization. We will also help in obtaining funding.

We invite you to cooperate and adopt an active lifestyle.

office gym computex proud
office gym computex
proud office gym computex
office gym computex

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